Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Click here to create your own video

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Evil Miss Piggy??

After having snorted accidentally a few times, Kaylee recently figured out that she can do it when she wants. So for the past few days, she's been doing this nonstop!! I took this video earlier today on our drive home from Gatlinburg. Will be posting pics soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Evilness

We're going to Gatlinburg this Friday-Tuesday with my cousin, his wife & 3 month old for a long weekend away. We haven't taken that long of a ride with Kaylee before - it's about 3/3.5 hours if you drive without stops, which we know we'll have a few of this trip - so we're hoping she does well - preferably sleeping most of the time!! She has gotten into the habit of talking VERY LOUDLY in the car (and sometimes at home), usually when Jamie and I are trying to talk, but at other times, as well. I'm hoping we don't have this to look forward to for the entire drive this weekend!! (38 sec video)

Video highlighting more of Kaylee's evil ways... (2 min)

And more evil faces...Kaylee still likes to play in the tub, but she's also been grabbing the edge lately and trying to pull herself up. She gets frustrated, so we help her stand - she does well on her own, but we keep a hand closeby in case she tips. (1 min)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Not holding my breath...

In the past week or two, Kaylee started making a funny face that we call her "evil baby" look. She does it all the time, but especially in between most bites when we're feeding her. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video must be worth more? (1 min. video)

In the past few days, she's started getting up on her hands and knees on her own, and just yesterday started rocking back and forth...could crawling be just around the corner?? Of course when we thought, "she'll be rolling over any day now!" it turned out to be about 3 months later. But it could happen! :-) As you can see in the (short!) video, she gets a bit frustrated when she gets up that way and can't seem to go anywhere!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Greek Fest & Flipping

Kaylee attended her first Greek Festival this past Saturday. My parents live just down the street from the Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Atlanta, so we've gone every year since it's a short walk from their house. Since Kaylee likes to people watch, we thought she would enjoy it. I think she did, though it was pretty hot out - earlier in the week it looked like it would be about 70, but it was more like sunny and 80. At least it wasn't too humid. We sat outside and watched the dancers some, but went inside through some of the shops when we were getting too hot. Here's a short clip of Kaylee playing with a noisy scarf...

Kaylee loves being turned upside down. A week or so ago, I had her on my lap and started flipping her over and she loved it. Here's a video of that...

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sometimes when Kaylee starts "talking" I will do this to her, but she usually only will make the sounds 3-4 times at most, maybe going for about a minute with this "game." Last night my brother Jeff came over and I started doing this, but she kept doing it for at least 5 minutes or so. I said, "this would have been a funny video," and Jeff got the camera. I didn't expect her to keep it up for that much longer, but once he started recording, she went for another 3 minutes! So it's basically the same thing over and over on the video - about 3 minutes long - but it's funny that she didn't get annoyed with it before then.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oops..."old" video

So this video is from the end of August. Just realized I forgot to post Kaylee was just over 5 months then and not really sitting well on her own at all if she was just on the floor, but she did great on this little bench! She really enjoys this activity center toy!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Redemption! :-)


from Wednesday - very short video (24 sec)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Whaddya know? Another video!! (2 spliced - 1 min, 22 sec)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Laugh, Spit, Eat, Talk, Play...

Kaylee has figured out how to blow raspberries. So I've spent most of the past few days with a layer of spit on me (in addition to the coating of drool that I usually wear). (Who came up with the raspberry phrase anyway? Click here for a funny (& short) slo-mo video.) Kaylee also goes crazy when the "tickle finger" comes to tickle her neck.

The video is two spliced together - I was tickling her then she started spitting, but stopped and started again. To spare you the boring bits, I cut out'll see. (2 min, 18 sec video)

Kaylee's getting better at the eating thing already! We just feed her about a tablespoon of rice cereal before her 2nd and 4th (last) bottles. As you can see, she really opens wide and leans in for the food! I set the camera on the table, hence the weird angle... (3 min video)

Today Kaylee started saying "dadadadada" - I think because she's started spitting and is now figuring out how to use her tongue to do different things and make different sounds. This is her playing peek-a-boo and saying dadadadada... (4 min, 30 sec video)

(Steph - hope you and Ethan have fun watching 3 videos at once!! I just tried it...crazy! haha!)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Yum, Yum!

Kaylee will be 6 months old on the 25th - less than 2 weeks from now! We had decided (based on her pediatrician's recommendation) to hold off on giving her any solid foods until 6 months since the earlier you start babies on solids, the more susceptible they are to allergies. And since both Jamie and I had lots of food (among other) allergies as babies/kids, we didn't want to put Kaylee at any greater risk than necessary. As we'll be feeding her solids so soon, and Jamie has to be out of town pretty much the next two weeks, I think he was afraid that I would start feeding her while he's away (I would have waited for him!), so we went ahead and gave her some rice cereal a couple times today. (We are still holding off on "real" foods - fruits & veggies - until after the doc's appointment on the 26th.)

She was a real champ at eating!! She only ate maybe a teaspoon of it the first go-round, but I don't think she was really hungry (she'd just had a bottle about an hour before). The next time we gave her some just before her bottle, and I think she would have kept eating if we'd let her. We still only gave her about a tablespoon, but she ate it all, and subsequently drank a bit less of her bottle. Here are a couple videos...the first one is Jamie feeding her (it's 5 minutes long, so be prepared!) for her first time eating, and the second is me feeding her when she ate a bit more (shorter video - just recorded the last 2 1/2 minutes of that meal).

(You might notice she has an outfit change in between...only because I was doing laundry and wanted to wash the outfit she'd worn today, so we just put her in a onesie for a few hours before bed.)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Yesterday we went to see Kaylee's Uncle Robbie (Jamie's brother) & Aunt Brooke and their 2 dogs, Abby & Alex. Kaylee got a kick out of the dogs - could not keep her eyes off them!! (By the way, no, we will not be getting any dogs of our own - Jamie and I are not "dog people" - but Kaylee is free to enjoy others' dogs. :-) )

We got another umbrella stroller for Kaylee (Jamie didn't like the way the other one handled...). I put her in it to go for a walk tonight and she was so excited! She loves strolling around the neighborhood.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jumping Bean

We got a "jump & go" for Kaylee a week ago, and the first couple days we had it hanging in a higher space where she couldn't quite reach the floor. We put a pillow under her, but she pretty much just sat in it and played with the attached toy, then got tired of it within a few minutes. I moved it to a regular doorway where she can touch the floor with her feet and now she goes crazy! This video has been cut in length, it was much longer...just all the same. :-) She'd probably sit in that thing all day if we'd let her!

I guess it's tiring in that thing, as you can see she has to take little breaks from the jumping every once in a while. It's funny - Jamie can hear her pounding on the floor while he's down in his basement office! So he knows when she's in there!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pool time

We went to the pool last night - it wasn't sunny out, though the water was fine, and no one else was there. We took Kaylee to my parents' pool when she was 2 months old, and I went once with a cousin's wife and Kaylee to our pool shortly after that, but this was the first time all 3 of us went to our pool. She was big enough this time to splash around more, and she LOVED it!! This is two videos spliced into one, so for about the first half, Kaylee has on a hat, then all of a sudden she doesn't. Magic! ;-)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy babe

Kaylee's been laughing more and more lately. Of course she did for a while before I got the camera, but there are a few giggles on here. Apparently me saying "boo" is hilarious. :-)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Watch out, kitties!

Kaylee has been noticing the cats more and more lately, and I help her pet them sometimes. Today Tigger wandered over by where we were sitting on the floor and Kaylee was petting him by herself! I guess Tigger got tired of us not petting him and figured he's got to get it where he can. :-) Of course he sat there while Kaylee pet (and grabbed) him for quite a while before I got the camera, then tired of it shortly after, but here's a bit of it:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Funny Face

Early last week, I accidentally got some water in/on Kaylee's mouth when I was getting her head wet for washing - she stopped splashing and stuck out her bottom lip and tongue to sort of catch it. I resoaked the washcloth and ran a slow trickle over her mouth and she did it again. I showed Jamie a night or two later and we've been doing it - mostly for our amusement, but she seems to like it - every night since. Cracks us up how she stops splashing, then goes right back to it when the water stops running on her mouth. And yes, we use clean water and do this before we wash her with soap. This video is from tonight's bath...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Kaylee's New Noise

Kaylee has a new noise - a high-pitch coo, I suppose you could call it. Sort of a mini-squeal, but it's more like part of her talking, as it's not any louder than the rest of her "words." She tends to do it more when she's alone and talking to herself, but I managed to get a couple little ones on this video. See (hear) for yourself:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're in Trouble!

Here's our little roly poly...she's been rolling over from front to back for about 3 weeks, but it looks like she'll soon be rolling back to front, as well! She just hasn't quite figured out how to get her arm out of the way yet... Guess we'll be babyproofing sooner than expected!!

Oh - she actually spun herself in a complete circle with her head as the pivot point...I edited for time/file size.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

More videos

Kaylee loves her bathtime!

Kaylee rolling over!

Friday, June 13, 2008

For the Grandparents (& whoever else)

Warning: these videos are not all that exciting, but grandparents will love them. :-)

Kaylee talks more and more these days. I like at the end of this when I tell her to say bye, she "waves" and "says bye"

Kaylee waking from a nap:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Kaylee likes to smile at the baby in the mirror. Enjoy! :-)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wow - hands!

Kaylee's found out she can use her hands to hit and grab things (though the grabbing may still be accidental at this point...)

She is also talking up a storm lately! Especially the past few days. Here's a recent conversation with her.